Saturday, July 12, 2014

An Introduction I suppose..

Welcome everyone to my first blog ever created!
Lets begin with a quote that may help explain the reason for the title "A Treasured Pearl"

"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl."

Stephan Hoeller

As most of you know, this blog is about living alongside depression. No, not living WITH depression, but alongside it. Living with people who suffer from depression and the  struggles that we, as the constant companion, deal with every day as a result of someone else living with depression. Get it?
So.. a few things.
1) This blog is first and foremost, selfishly for me. For as long as I can remember I have lived in virtual silence with my daily struggles on this issue. I have tremendous trouble talking about this face to face, even with my most trusted friends (the reasons behind this to be discussed in a later blog). And I had a realization - I'm sick of it. I have tried diaries, online private journals, and have had enough conversations with my windshield that you could consider it my best friend and none of it helps. I have figured out why.. I don't want to just talk about it - I want to be HEARD. I want people to know what I (and assumingly others like me) go through. But seeing as I can't say it out loud.. I am going to hide behind a computer screen. I am by no means an expert or "qualified" to give any real knowledge on the matter. I am speaking from life experience and what I feel.
2) If this does happen to help anyone out.. GREAT! That is splendid!
3) Similarly, there are many things I will say on here that may cut a little deep (especially for those in my life who suffer from depression).. so I am sorry. Others may not agree, may think I'm selfish or just a downright terrible human being. And that's okay. You don't have to agree with me. Everyone is different - meaning we feel different things and view the world differently. Please try to take it with an open mind. It will NEVER be a personal jab or post directed towards anyone (nor will I ever mention specific names, so don't bother asking me about who is depressed in my life).
4) SOOO. Comments and messages  (are those a thing on blogs? I'm such a noob) are more than welcome. Friends and family, feel free to talk about anything I write with me. Don't be shy. Constructive criticism is awesome. If you have questions about particular or broad things, ask them! If you view something differently, share it! But if you are going to be an ignorant, nimble headed jerk-face.. go away. If you do not believe in depression as a "real thing".. stop reading now and never come back.
5) I am not a poet, nor an author. I write how I speak. And I happen to have the mouth of a sailor. Swear words will mostly creep in a lot. You have been warned.
Last but not least 6) As mentioned.. this is my first blog. I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. I just want to write. Please be patient with the constant changing of how the page looks as I get more accustomed to this format. I also have a tendency to ramble so most of my posts will be long and inevitably, sometimes hard to follow.
Now for those who don't know me.. I guess I should introduce myself.
Hello Internet world - My name is Alycia. I am 24 years old, a college student studying Research Psychology, a work-o-holic, crazy cat lady in training and I have been surrounded by people suffering with depression my entire life. This includes family, friends, and significant others. The depression ranges from situational, to chronic, to suicidal.. and everything in between. I have done a lot of research on depression but I am by no means an expert. It is a rarity to find a site that talks about what the people surrounding those with depression go through (besides how they can help the depressed individual).. so I decided to create my own.
I truly hope that anyone that has ever felt alone due to this issue finds this blog and can get the piece of mind I've been searching for in realizing they are actually not alone.
I hope you enjoy my posts to come and once again, be patient with me. Its my first time.


  1. Good Job I am actually looking forward to reading and following this as this definitely hits very close to home with me.

  2. Awesome job I will definitely be reading this blog

  3. Awesome job I will definitely be reading this blog it really hits home for me.

  4. So excited to read future blogs. It seems that when you are suffering from depression, you don't even think about how it effects others. I don't mind using my real name, I just don't know how. What's URL?
